Meet Adriana

Mysticism, spirituality, philosophy, and the search for the ‘meaning of life’ are subjects that have always fascinated me. 

From a young age I started asking myself all the big questions: “Who am I?” “Why am I here?”, and “Why is there so much suffering in the world?” I always felt different, like I didn’t fit in, I tried my best to become the ‘invisible kid’. 

I could sense everybody’s feelings and their pain - this was a massive weight on my shoulders. As a child I only felt safe when I was alone. Spending most of my time in my room, reading, playing, thinking, feeling deeply about humanity, and the challenges that we have to overcome. 

I met my first mentor in my teens (this was back in the early 80’s) - she was definitely from another world, her entire house was a healing sanctuary. She practiced light therapy, energy healing, and lived by ancient practices. 

She was born in Brazil, where they speak Portuguese, but from childhood she spoke and wrote in the ancient language of Sanskrit, although she had never had any contact with that culture. This is how my own healing path began…

As a typical teenager I got lost in the temptations of the world. However, another ‘teacher’ came into my life who introduced me to the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism, this led me to some moments of self-discovery. 

I grew up in the Catholic religion, which conflicted me and it didn’t answer all my questions. I knew that it was not my path. I felt more called towards Eastern philosophies, that spoke to me and made sense. And, so I started attending Buddhist temples to meditate.

Right after college, in the early 90’s, I opened a ‘Health & Mystic Store’ in São Paulo, Brazil. There, I sold new age CD’s, incense and candles, healing herbs, and macrobiotic foods. Unfortunately, due to life lessons and unforeseen circumstances, I had to get a corporate job, which made me unfulfilled and unhappy.  

In my late 20’s I moved to the US, again I lost myself for a few years. It is true that sometimes you need to hit rock bottom, so that the only way out is up. 

At one point, I felt so disconnected and empty, that I changed my life completely. I stopped going out with friends, I stopped drinking, and I even moved to a different house. I decided to shed the layers and masks that I had acquired, from pretending to be someone else just to fit in. This time I was determined to find my true self.

This opened up another opportunity for me to once again meet another teacher.  A teacher with so much knowledge about all the things that I was searching for. We enjoyed daily classes about metaphysics, philosophy, the mind, spirituality, religion, Spiritual Masters, and so on. I was very dedicated, and practiced my meditations and rituals every single day. 

With time, I started to tap into my own wisdom and experienced how magical it is to be connected to Divine intelligence. With this awakening, I started attracting many amazing things into my life, more than I ever thought was possible. My intuition had heightened, which helped life become effortless. For the first time I believed that we are the co-creators of our reality.

In my heart, I already knew that true healing happens from the inside out, so I began to study and experience different holistic and energy healing modalities, such as Reiki. I got certified as a Reiki practitioner, although I only practiced with my family and dogs. 

My other passion was health & wellness, and I worked as a holistic practitioner and nutritionist for almost 10 years. I realized that optimal health is more than just lifestyle; all areas of your life influence your overall well being. Everything is connected. As a consequence, I became a Certified Life Coach to be able to integrate my health and wellness knowledge with my behavioral change and mindset coaching.  

After having my daughter my purpose shifted to being a mom, and my life changed completely. It was the most challenging time of my life. During my postpartum struggle I found a healer who helped me tremendously. She uncovered that I am a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), which explained my struggles growing up. Now I know how valuable every part of life is, each of these parts help you learn how to become who you are today. 

During this time, my best friend and I co-owned a health clinic in Southern California which was dedicated to women’s health, which aided in the process of healing myself. 

After a few years I felt I had another mission, so I moved to Northern California and started working as a Health Coach in a Wellness Center.

I had some free time during the pandemic, and as an avid student, I took part in many classes and programs that I  had always wanted to do. 

Due to my high sensitivity and intuition, there was one healing modality that felt incredibly natural and impactful, the Clairvoyant/Psychic Certification. While doing this program I started working with a Healing Master (a being without a body) who is always with me to assist with healing work. 

Throughout my life I have been passionate about health and wellness. I have seen hundreds of clients on an one-on-one, individual basis, plus I have taught many classes on nutrition, mindfulness, life purpose, and many other related subjects. I have become very successful in what I do.

In the past, I have felt the call to visit different sacred places and sites, where I had the most transformative and mystical experiences (without the use of any psychedelics). These experiences started when I found another “teacher”, a powerful Shaman and Reiki Healer. His approach to healing was so impactful, that I received clear messages from the spirit world during his healing sessions. These messages stated that in many of my past lives I had been a powerful healer and medicine woman. And, that it is now time for me to step out of my “ego” self and to become the healer I am meant to be in this lifetime. I continue to receive clear messages from my higher self, spiritual guides, angels, archangels, and other out-of-body beings.  

The Shamanic Reiki healing combination has been the most transformative experience I have ever had. It feels like my soul is very familiar with this ancient wisdom. Through my Shamanic “Maestro” (Master or teacher), I learned ‘Shamanistic Reiki Healing’. 

Since this training, I have felt eager to share these ancient and powerful healing approaches with the world.

Being born and raised in Brazil, I have had contact with the native Indians and have some knowledge of their healing powers and abilities to heal by working with their ancestors, spirit guides, Mother Earth, and nature.

I am here to live my mission fully.

“To serve humanity by supporting their awakening, promoting health, and empowering individuals to be part of the healing process. I am here to be a Divine channel, and to allow healing to happen through the body and mind, as it is designed to do.” 

Allow me to guide you on your healing path

With Gratitude, 

Your Healing Path Guide


How Reiki can help with the pandemic aftermath